Discography - 1982
1982Greatest hitsAlpert, Herb
1982Greatest hitsNewton-John, Olivia
1982EnvoyZevon, Warren
1982The perfect strangerYoung, Jesse Colin
1982PM 9Yazawa, Eikichi
1982It's just rock and rollYazawa, Eikichi
1982Take me to your heavenWoods, Stevie
1982Joseph WilliamsWilliams, Joseph
1982Angel heartWebb, Jimmy
1982Chariots of fireWatts, Ernie
1982Friends in loveWarwick, Dionne
1982Leon WareWare, Leon
1982Completion backward principleTubes, The
1982Donna SummerSummer, Donna
1982Jon StevensStevens, Jon
1982ReachSimmons, Richard
1982I'm your girlfriendSedaka, Dara
1982World radioSayer, Leo
1982All dressed upRoberts, David
1982Night PlaneNight Plane
1982I'm fineMizukoshi, Keiko
1982Wild things run fastMitchell, Joni
1982If that's what it takesMcDonald, Michael
1982Mathieson, Greg Project
1982Somebody somewhereMars, Steve
1982Hey RickyManchester, Melissa
1982High adventureLoggins, Kenny
1982Bill LaBountyLaBounty, Bill
1982No looking backKerr, Richard
1982L.A. spiritsKatsuragi, Yuki
1982ChampionJans, Tom
1982Jackson, Michael
1982Stand by the powerImperials, The
1982I can't stand stillHenley, Don
1982Lite me upHancock, Herbie
1982Needless freakingFord, Dwayne
1982Let me rock youCriss, Pete
1982WindsongCrawford, Randy
1982Chicago 16Chicago
1982I paralyzeCher
1982Carry onCaldwell, Bobby
1982The dukesBugatti & Musker
1982BraniganBranigan, Laura
1982Moonlight walkingBenson, Gary
1982SuspicionBade, Lisa
1982View from the groundAmerica
1982Long time friendsAlessi Brothers
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