1988Other roadsScaggs, Boz
1988Think out loudThink out loud
1988Hiding myselfRankin, Kenny
1988PreyPasquale, Joe
1988Land of dreamsNewman, Randy
1988Norwegian wood IL.A. Workshop
1988LeftyGarfunkel, Art
1988Best years of our livesDiamond, Neil
1988In the City of AngelsAnderson, Jon
1987Contemporary drummer + one (lessons)Weckl, Dave
1987Blue slipperWatson, Helen
1987Turning rebellion into money conflictSoundtrack
1987Heart and soulMilsap, Ronnie
1987Start overLynn, Cheryl
1987Through any windowLarsen, Neil
1987Greatest hits, vol. 1Grass Roots, The
1987Tim FeehanFeehan, Tim
1986The best of George BensonBenson, George
1986Hands across AmericaVarious artists
1986Raw dealSoundtrack
1986Back to schoolSoundtrack
1986Lotus GemSantana, Beck & Lukather
1986They don't make them like they used toRogers, Kenny
1986Dancing on the ceilingRichie, Lionel
1986Only loveRaymond, Brett
1986The lover speaksLover Speaks, The
1986Precious momentsJackson, Jermaine
1986Headed for the futureDiamond, Neil
1986Chicago 18Chicago
1986Lives in the balanceBrowne, Jackson
1985Stealin' HorsesStealin' Horses
1985St. Elmo's fireSoundtrack
1985White nightsSoundtrack
1985Heart of the matterRogers, Kenny
1985Soul kissNewton-John, Olivia
1985Dog eat dogMitchell, Joni
1985Eric MartinMartin, Eric
1985MathematicsManchester, Melissa
1985Killer lordsLords of the new church
1985Vox humanaLoggins, Kenny
19859 1/2Kawai, Naoko
1985Division oneFar Corporation
1985I'm not crazyDees, Rick & the cast of idiots
1985Behind the sunClapton, Eric
1985Stay tunedAtkins, Chet
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