News & Articles

Total articles: 332

  1. Robert Wolff - How to make it in the new music business

    - By Arend, Feb 9, 2005 12:00 AM

    How to Make It in the New Music Business, written by Robert Wolff in 2004, leads both novice and professional musicians into today's digital world, helping them to take complete control over all aspects of their music, from writing and performing to recording and selling. The following excerpt of Steve Lukather’s chapter (chapter 4) is used by permission from Robert Wolff. The book is published by Billboard Books/New York, and is available on or in book stores everywhere.

  2. Todd Seely - Steve Lukather

    - By Arend, Feb 7, 2005 12:00 AM
    In February 2005 Todd Seely of The Fuze, an online rock journal, talked to Lukather about the new Toto album, the good old session years, the music industry and more. Here are some striking quotes from that extra-ordinary interview.
  3. Arend Slagman - Steve Lukather & Steely Dan

    - By Arend, Jan 15, 2005 12:00 AM

    From several interviews it's known that Steely Dan was and is one of Lukather's favorite bands of all time. With his high school band Still Life (that started in 1972) he played alot of Steely Dan tunes. Lukather: "When we played those songs, people thought they were great, but they also thought we’d written ’em (chuckles). We were like the Junior Steely Dan; Landau played the part of Denny Dias and I was Jeff Baxter. Donald [Fagen] and Walter [Becker] actually came to one of our high school gigs, and we freaked out! They’re still one my favorite bands."

  4. Pete Whittard - One-to-one with Steve Lukather

    - By Arend, Jan 1, 2005 12:00 AM
    On June 28th 2004, the day that Toto were playing a sell-out gig at London's Royal Albert Hall, Pete Whittard met up with Steve Lukather in his hotel room to give a fantastic insight in his playing and his career. In the January 2005 issue Guitar Techniques started part one of a three part video series with warm-ups, soloing over different chords and harmony examples. In February GT presented part two, with a lesson in emotive soloing. In March 2005 GT released the last part about funky guitar parts.
  5. Arend Slagman - Toto and WorldWest Communications

    - By Arend, Nov 11, 2004 12:00 AM

    Since the production of Toto's 1995 album Tambu, Toto and Steve Lukather worked together with WorldWest Communications for the design and artworks of the album sleeves. For this article we collected some background information about the artwork of Tambu and the following albums.

  6. Robert Knight - My buddy Luke

    - By Arend, Oct 9, 2004 12:00 AM

    Robert Knight is a long time fan and buddy of Steve Lukather. As a photographer he worked with Luke on several Luke and Toto projects. Here's Roberts own story on Luke.

  7. Simon Badham - SL Essential Guitarist interview

    - By Arend, Oct 6, 2004 12:00 AM
    Recently Simon Badham interviewed Steve Lukather for We're happy to present a sneak preview of this hilareous interview. Luke: If I stop, I really don't know. I just love the live scedule. I love the life. It seems insane, I’m a middle aged guy… I'll be 47 in October and I'm still like a little kid... it keeps me young. Jetlag... I don't even know what that is anymore, I’m terminally jetlagged! I'm on the road 9 months a year; I have a great bunch of people around me to hold me up... I’m a small part of a big team. I think if anybody has a life worth a shit, they have people around them to help prop them up. I can't imagine anybody who's ego is that big that they'd say “I did it all myself”.
  8. Clemens Steenweg - The Steve Lukather interview

    - By Arend, Aug 2, 2004 12:00 AM
    On July 1st 2004 Clemens Steenweg did an interview with Luke in Hardenberg for Classic Rock Start Page. For Luke's website we made a summary with the most striking quotes. Luke: "We wanna give our fans. Without them, I mean, what the hell are we? Nothing! After 27 years, man, they still keep coming back! Man, we've got to make sure these people are happy! 'Cause they gave me a great life!"
  9. Andrew McNeice - Steve Lukather

    - By Arend, Aug 1, 2004 12:00 AM

    Steve Lukather and Toto have both had illustrious careers and Toto continues to tour heavily throughout Europe and beyond. Their work schedule is at time grueling and life on the road can take its toll. Steve talks candidly about the life of a rocker on the road and the ups and downs of the loss of a stable routine. That's here in the now - Steve also delves into the past for some more brutally honest and at times, hilarious insights into his career and life with Toto. Lukather: "If something's really successful people think it's great. It doesn't mean it's great it means the perception is, it must be great if millions of people are buying it. Millions of people buy shit too, doesn't mean it's great. And that shit is subjective."

  10. Luc de la Ruelle - Lukather gets a Nether lute

    - By Arend, Jul 4, 2004 12:00 AM
    On July 1st 2004, after the last Toto concert in Hardenberg, Don Willard, Lucky Luc de la Ruelle and Kim Lagarde went over to the hotel in Ommen and offered Luke a custom made Nether lute (Nederluit).
  11. Reggie Boyle - Lukather & Landau benefit

    - By Arend, Jun 14, 2004 12:00 AM
    It was a laid back night at the Baked Potato in West North Hollywood, Ca. There were no set lists just Luke & Landau playing whatever struck them as to their mood at the time.The combination of two amazing artists in such an intimate setting is always a nice treat.
  12. Robert Lloyd - Time of the Session

    - By Arend, Apr 1, 2004 12:00 AM
    When the music was fast, and the players anonymous. Most of the music you will ever hear will be played by people you will never see and whose names you will neither know nor think to ask. It will be recorded in windowless rooms, witnessed sometimes only by an engineer or producer, the now-ancient technology of the overdub making the presence even of other musicians unnecessary. For every superstar singer or guitar heroine whose name adorns a T-shirt or tattoo, there are hundreds whose work is done anonymously, or as good as. Who play their part, collect their pay and go home.
  13. Kenneth Sherman - Daryl Hall & John Oates, Suprising, amazing, experimental: WOW!

    - By Arend, Feb 12, 2004 12:00 AM
    When you mention Daryl Hall and John Oates, most people snicker while memories of cheesy videos and slick soul-tinged 80s pop dance around in their heads. Too bad no remembers this gem of an album, Along the red ledge. It’s an artistic triumph that reaches heights H and O never quite achieved again (although the two albums the proceeded it, X-Static and Voices came close). I was just a kid when Red ledge came out but even back then, I was blown away.
  14. Steve Lang - Steve Lukather Interview

    - By Arend, Feb 8, 2004 12:00 AM

    Steve Lang made a long and deep interview for with Luke, right before he left for the Toto 2004 tour. Lukather on how he would like to be remembered: "HMM... I guess I just want people to say I was a nice guy with a good heart who was funny as fuck and a great father and husband and friend. Probably the same as anyone, and maybe I was a pretty good guitar player for a white guy. Hahaha."

  15. Night of the Proms figures

    - By Arend, Jan 7, 2004 12:00 AM
    The Night of the Proms concerts in 2003 have been very successful. Never before Toto and the rest of the contributing artists were playing for such an amount of people as they did last year. In October-December more then 600.000 people came to see and hear the classical, pop and rock artsists in Belgium (330.953), Holland (147.945) and Germany (129.175). (Thanks to Reggie Boyle)
  16. Arend Slagman - Lukather & Dragon ball

    - By Arend, Jan 5, 2004 12:00 AM
    In January 2004 Luke told us that he, Mike Porcaro and Simon Phillips contributed to the music scores of Dragon ball video games on a regularly base. In this article we present a couple of soundclips.
  17. Andrea Schwarz - Lukather & Friends Christmas album

    - By Arend, Dec 7, 2003 12:00 AM
    Toto... well we are on tour till Dec 22 in Europe. We are writing a new Cd of all original material and its gonna be a killer. We are really gonna go for it and give everyone THE BEST Toto ever. We will take a long time to get it right so dont expect it till late 2004 or early 2005.
  18. Kathy - Interview with Steve Lukather 1 & 2

    - By Arend, Nov 4, 2003 12:00 AM
    Recently Kathy from managed a deep and very personal interview with Steve Lukather. At the interviews section we made some striking quotes. Luke: "I mean we have survived: death, drugs, marriages, divorce, money stolen - accountants ripping us off, just you know beaten up by the press, getting older, happiness, elation, awards; all the shit you know, we’ve been through it all. We still love each other, yeah we fight sometimes, not much."
  19. Arend Slagman - Jimi Hendrix Files Tour

    - By Arend, Oct 12, 2003 12:00 AM
    The Hendrix Files Tour 2003, arranged by Phil Bee, took place from October 6th till October 12th in Hamburg (Germany), Harderwijk, Rijssen, Maastricht, Weert and Zoetermeer (Holland). In a three hours show the Swizz band More Experience, Jan Akkerman and Steve Lukather played interpretations of their fav Hendrix songs.

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